Tulip Hunting in Buffalo, NY
Spring in Western New York is simply awesome. We've endured a winter that often feels like it's been 10 months long and half of the city starts wearing shorts as soon as hits 45 degrees. Days start to quickly get longer and the 9-5 worker can actually enjoy some sunlight outside of the office. Dozens of migrant bird species make their way through the area, including warblers and uncommon waterfowl. We can comfortably enjoy our beautiful parks without wearing 10 layers of clothing. Last but not least, nature awakens and our beautiful flower gardens come back to life.
Buffalo boasts a number of public gardens and flowerbeds within the city limits. Many of them are tucked away and often out of site. Others are in plain site, like the tulip garden outside of St. Joseph's Cathedral in the lead image. Tulips are my favorite, and come early May there's plenty of opportunity to see them throughout Buffalo. Here's a few pictures from last weekend, click for full size. As always, I hope you enjoy!