Cargill Pool Elevator
One of Buffalo's most photographed buildings. Cargill's Pool Elevator is the only grain elevator situated directly on the waterfront and is an anchor view within Buffalo's Outer Harbor Park. Built in 1925 by the Saskatchewan Cooperative Elevator Company, this grain elevator exchanged ownership hands many times throughout it's existence. One of the early owners were a group of investors named the Pool Elevator Company in 1945, who then sold it off to Pillsbury seven years later for a hefty profit, who then eventually sold to Cargill as a holding facility for grain. Once Cargill eventually left Buffalo, it was left for abandonment as Cargill stop paying it's taxes, prompting the city to step in and put it up for auction.
In her prime, the elevator could store up to 2.1 million bushels in total, with the lakeside cylinders able to load over 250 thousand bushels in a working day. Today, it is privately owned and used for storage.